ヤマジカズヒデ + NARASAKI
DAY2(10/14 SATURDAY),Outer Space

dipとCOALTAR OF THE DEEPERSのフロントマンがタッグを組む!と言うと、なかなかセンセーショナルに聞こえるが、そのサウンドはなんとアンビエント。
ヤマジカズヒデはコンスタントに続けているソロライブで、ここ数年、顕著にミニマルミュージックやジャーマンロック的なアンビエントサウンドでのアプローチを披露し、孤高な世界観の構築に成功している。そしてNARASAKIも2022年に『HINODE TRACKS (SOUND FOR RELAXATION)』という美しいアンビエントアルバムをリリースしており、環境音楽ブームとは全く別な流れでたどり着いたこの動きは、現在のアンビエントシーンへ紹介する必要があるという考えのもと、我々からのラブコールに応えてくれた形で、今回のブッキングが実現した。
When you hear that the frontmen of dip and COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS are teaming up, it may sound quite sensational, but their sound is, surprisingly, ambient. Both Yamazi Kazuhide and NARASAKI have been active with their own bands since the 1980s, engaging in a wide range of activities including composing soundtracks for movies and dramas, providing music, and supporting well-known artists.
Yamazi Kazuhide has been consistently performing solo live shows, and in recent years, he has prominently showcased his approach to minimal music and German rock-inspired ambient sound, successfully constructing a unique world view. NARASAKI, too, released a beautiful ambient album titled “HINODE TRACKS (SOUND FOR RELAXATION)” in 2022. Their collaboration for this event is a response to our call of love, as we believe their unique musical journeys, which have taken a different path from the Kankyo Ongaku boom, deserve introduction to the current ambient scene.
Their sound, which arrived through a completely different trajectory from the ambient music boom, is likely to transform the second night’s late hours—the time when sound exploration is at its deepest—into an alternative and psychedelic atmosphere. Don’t miss this miraculous moment under any circumstances.