DAY3(10/15 SUNDAY) ,Outer Space

「小久保隆」は80年代初頭より数多くの公共施設や身近な商品・サービスなどのサウンドを手掛けてきた。(携帯電話緊急地震速報のアラーム音の作者であることはあまりにも有名)また、自然が持つ人の心を癒す力に注目し、現代人の心に優しく響くリラクゼーションミュージックを作曲。自然に恵まれた山梨県武川のプライベートスタジオで、脳をリラックスさせる効果のある高周波ノイズ、1/f ゆらぎ、脳波測定などの理論的背景を携え、独自に開発した立体的な音を収録可能なマイクロフォン「サイバーフォニック」を使用して音楽を作りあげる。
2019年のCamp Off-Toneに出演した際はマイクロフォン「サイバーフォニック」(サイバー君)で録音した世界各地の環境音をトークを交えながら流し、山梨の森の中が一瞬にしてモルディブの海岸に変化するという音のマジックを披露し、音の驚きと癒しを私たちに教えてくれた。
Since the early 1980s, Takashi Kokubo has been involved in sound design for numerous public facilities and familiar products and services. (He has also paid attention to the power of nature to heal the human mind, and has composed relaxation music that gently resonates with the modern human mind. In his private studio in Mukawa, Yamanashi Prefecture, which is blessed with nature, he creates music using his own CyberPhonic microphone, which can record three-dimensional sounds, with a theoretical background in high-frequency noise, 1/f fluctuation and brain wave measurement, all of which have a relaxing effect on the brain.
When he appeared at Camp Off-Tone in 2019, he played environmental sounds from all over the world recorded with the microphone ‘Cyberphonic’ (Cyber-kun) while talking, and performed sound magic where the forest in Yamanashi was instantly transformed into the coast of the Maldives, showing us the surprise and healing power of sound The sound magic of the forests of Yamanashi was instantly transformed into the shores of the Maldives.
This time, he will perform a live collaboration with Naoki Tate, who weaves cosmic ambient sounds using voice and various instruments.