尾島由郎 & 柴野さつき
DAY3(10/15 SUNDAY) ,OuterSpace

9月末には、環境音楽ブーム火付け役のVisible Cloaksと共に、St.GIGAをトリビュートするツアーを終え、最高の状態でのCAMP Off-Tone参加となる。
A duo consisting of Yoshio Oshima, a musician and music producer who consistently explores the realm of ambient music/environmental music, and Satsuki Shibano, a specialist in modern/contemporary piano music including Eric Satie. Their compositions and performances carry the essence of St.GIGA, which used the movement of the moon and tides to shape its programming. By the end of September, they will conclude a tribute tour to St.GIGA alongside Visible Cloaks, the catalysts of the environmental music trend, and participate in CAMP Off-Tone at the perfect timing. Performing compositions attuned to the moon’s affinity on October 15th, the new moon, will allow them to sense the unseen moon and the deep resonance will serve as a bridge to lead our hearts towards a splendid daily life.