Kaoru Inoue
DAY2(10/14 SATURDAY) Inner Space
DAY3(10/15 SUNDAY) Outer Space

今回は、Inner Spaceの夜とOuter Spaceの朝という2セットでの出演を快諾していただいた。きっと、深淵なる心象と神聖なる光というような、ふたつの世界が共存する様を見せてくれるだろう。
Having started as a DJ around the 90s, their pursuit of the potential within alternative dance music has led them to their current role as a multifaceted sonic sensation organizer of the all-encompassing auditory experience party “Euphony,” spanning ambient, new age, and obscure sounds. Beyond their title of DJ/music producer, they are a unique musician with the aspect of a philosopher, uncontainable within those categories alone.
For this occasion, he has kindly agreed to perform in two sets: one for the night of Inner Space and another for the morning of Outer Space. Without a doubt, he will reveal a coexistence of two worlds—perhaps one of profound emotional depths and the other of sacred light.