DAY1(10/13 FRIDAY) Outer Space

桐朋学園にてクラシックピアノを学び、HIROSHI WATANABEをプロデュースに迎えた「Night of the Vision」、アンビエント、ニューエイジとクラブカルチャーのつながりを語るうえで最重要アーティストであるマニュエル・ゲッチングが客演として参加した「The Farthest Desert」をリリースという、異色の経歴を持ったピアニスト、音楽家。
Having studied classical piano at Toho Gakuen School of Music and collaborated with producer HIROSHI WATANABE on “Night of the Vision,” as well as releasing “The Farthest Desert” featuring the essential artist Manuel Göttsching—whose connection to ambient, New Age, and club culture is of paramount importance when discussing ties between them—this pianist and musician possesses an unconventional background.
Her compositions, characterized by their noble, depth, purity, and strength, become gentle guideposts, welcoming something that masqueraded as the form of “sound” on the opening night.