DAY1(10/13 FRIDAY),OuterSpace

富士山の見える小さな町で生まれ育ち、山梨県で活動するKosuke Anamizuによるアンビエント/ネオクラシカルプロジェクトmoshimoss。
9年ぶりにリリースされたアルバム「Stones of Paradise」のサウンドは、変わらない雄大さと、新たに獲得したであろうゆったりとした余裕を感じる音の間が、アーティストとしての軸と重ねた時間を感じさせる。
Hailing from a small town with a view of Mount Fuji and active in Yamanashi Prefecture, Kosuke Anamizu presents the ambient/neoclassical project “moshimoss.” Interestingly, he is the one who bridged Off-Tone with Yamanashi and played a pivotal role in shaping the early Off-Tone direction. The sound of his album “Stones of Paradise,” released after a hiatus of 9 years, conveys an unchanging grandeur along with a newfound sense of serene spaciousness—wherein lies the artist’s core and the accumulation of time.
Returning to CAMP Off-Tone after a seven-year hiatus since 2015, one wonders what kind of sonic landscape he will paint in the forests of Ojiro during this performance.